Come and visit us at..

Kumerangk Hindmarsh Island Landcare Group Nursery

We would love you to come and visit us at our nursery. You can’t miss us - we are just over the bridge on the right-hand side with parking available in front of Ferryman’s Reserve.

Our nursery is an integral part of what we do as a landcare group. Growing our own plants from local provenance to revegetate the Island.

Do you have your own big (or small!) plans for going native?

Each year we fill orders for local people wanting to focus on endemic species on their property. We also sell to LGAs, government agencies and businesses with revegetation on their minds.

Please, place your order here

We are open for sales every Tuesday from 9am - 2pm as well as the 1st Saturday of the month from 9am - 1pm (except January). Our hours do increase during peak planting time in Autumn so check out our facebook page or send us a message.

Want to be part of Hindmarsh Island’s restoration? Come along any Tuesday between 9am and 12pm and join our volunteers at our weekly working bee.